Enterprise Infrastructure in Practice

Goal: The course aims to provide students with an insight into the challenges faced by many large
organisations today. The challenges of scale (i.e. the challenges of managing and organisation with
100,000 desktops are very different to those managing 100), commercial pricing, managing service
quality, managing risk, and working effectively in a global organisation will be discussed.
An appreciation for these challenges and how industry is meeting them will be developed via a review
of a number of case studies and practical hands on examples. Students completing this course will
develop a deep appreciation for enterprise technology.
Course description: Enterprise IT Components and Operation; Data Center infrastructure and
technologies; Real Time Market Data; Virtualization Technologies in Practice; Scalable High
Availability Technologies; Technologies to support ITIL; Performance Optimization; Web Technology
and Security; Enterprise Networks; Agile development; Data Driven Decision Making; Cloud
Technologies in an Enterprise Environment: