Business and informatic strategy

Goal: The aim of the course is to create a general understanding of business strategy
and its relation with IT system – how they can support businesses and the
fulfilment of their strategies, and how the functional (IT) strategy is
subordinated to and supportive of corporate strategy.

Course description: The course introduces students to the purpose and tools of business and strategic
planning. It presents techniques by which the external and internal conditions, as
well as the goals of different stakeholders can be analysed. By learning and
mastering the strategic approach, students will be able to analyse and evaluate
various scenarios through which the organisations are able to respond to and
adapt to current turbulent environmental changes. They will be able to make
make or buy decisions related to IT systems and initiate BPR processes to
improve the performance of the technical infrastructure. The aim of the course is
to acquaint students with the tools of business and IT strategy, to emphasise the
importance of strategic planning and to enable them to actively participate in the
process of strategic management with the acquired knowledge.