Programming robots in ROS

The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a platform widely used in research and also in the
industry. The students will learn how to develop ROS applications in Python programming
language. The aim of the course is to get the students acquainted with ROS, and also to give
them an opportunity to practice Python.

Course description:
ROS introduction, setting up the development environment. Implement ROS packages in
Python. Basic ROS communication, implementing publishers and subscribers. Principles of
robotics, programming a simulated robot in joint and workspace. Roslaunch, ROS parameter
server. Acquisition and processing of sensory data in ROS. Programming da Vinci surgical robot
in simulated environment. Programming humanoid robot. In simulated environment. Define
custom messages. ROS service and ROS action. URDF, interfacing to web environment:
RosBridge, RoslibJS. A galnce to ROS 2.