Cyber Security Engineering (MSc)

Name of the programme

Cyber Security Engineering

Field of the programme

Technical discipline

Language of the programme


Programme(s) and duration in semesters, number of contact hours

Field of training Number of semesters Number of contact classes
full-time (regular) course 4 1106
part-time course 4 395

Available specialization

SOC analyser

Number of credits to be accumulated to obtain the degree

120 credit

Educational level and qualification indicated in the degree certificate

  • educational level: magister (Master of Science, abbreviated: MSc)
  • name of master course: Cyber Security Engineering
  • qualification: Cyber Security Engineer

Aim of the course

The aim of the training is to train engineers with interdisciplinary theoretical and practical knowledge in a very broad field of cybersecurity, who are able to design complex protection architectures, ensure business continuity, organise and manage the implementation processes, and monitor and enforce the compliance requirements of the implemented systems, taking into account the cybersecurity and information security requirements of IT systems.

Graduate engineers will be able to carry out research and development tasks in their field of specialisation and to manage such teams independently, and will be able to understand the interrelationships and challenges between several areas of cyber security, such as information security, audit requirements, security requirements for critical infrastructures, and technical and technological protection solutions (processes and technologies in a security operations centre, security of communications, security of data storage, protection of assets).

The Master’s degree will entitle the holder to undertake doctoral studies.

The technical competences to be acquired

a) knowledge

Knowledge of the general and specific features of cyber security (cryptography and information security policies, attack methods and tools, theoretical and practical tools, solutions and limits of a security operations centre.

Familiarity with the main trends (traffic and log analysis and malware analysis techniques and research methodologies supported by artificial intelligence).

Understand the impact of cybersecurity on other ICT technologies (mobile networks, IoT, cybersecurity challenges of cloud computing systems).

In-depth knowledge of the intricacies and interconnections of the complex system of information security, cryptography, endpoint protection, audit, risk management, traffic and log analysis, terminology that builds up the cybersecurity disciplines.

Basic communication, leadership, process organisation and project management skills. Basic knowledge of quality assurance, information security legislation and standards.

Possess the range of knowledge required for entry to doctoral studies in the relevant field and in other fields of study.

Knowledge of a wide range of problem-solving techniques for research or academic work.

b) skills

The ability to apply scientific and technical knowledge to the design and development of cybersecurity systems and techniques, and to analyse and evaluate the performance, effectiveness, adequacy and conclusions of these systems.

Ability to apply the ‘secure by design’ principle when designing security requirements for IT systems.

Ability to organise processes and manage teams at different levels (incident handler, analyst and manager) in a security operations centre.

Ability to manage research and development projects.

Continuously train and keep abreast of cyber security developments.

Ability to communicate on technical issues in both English and Hungarian with both users and professional colleagues.

c) attitude

Open to professional training for self-learning and self-development, and is committed to practice-oriented, precise, methodical and quality work.

Ability to manage and implement research, development and innovation objectives.

Commitment to compliance with and enforcement of IT security, institutional security and information security requirements.

Ability to work collaboratively, as part of a team and, after appropriate training, to take on leadership responsibilities.

Dedicated to educating the next generation of professionals and to promoting a security-aware approach and use.

The ability to apply and put into practice the knowledge acquired.

In relation to the specialisation completed, be able to: plan, organise and manage the development of technologies, processes and roles in a security operations centre and apply the necessary interdisciplinary knowledge.

Ability to apply quality assurance of systems, technologies and processes used in cybersecurity, as well as relevant information security legislation and standards.

d) their autonomy and responsibility

It takes a responsible approach to cybersecurity principles, and plays an independent and proactive role in technical issues and development directions.

He/she takes responsibility for the findings and professional judgements in his/her opinion and for the work processes carried out by him/her or under his/her supervision.

In making professional decisions, he/she has a responsible attitude towards and observance of the principles of environmental protection, quality assurance, health and safety at work, and takes account of the principles of technical, economic and legal regulation.

Main areas of the course

Area Credit
Natural sciences and economics 10-15
Cyber security skills 45-60
Specialization 20-30
Optional subjects 10
Thesis 20
Total: 120

Criteria requirements


The internship is a project-based internship of at least six weeks, 240 hours of continuous work, carried out individually or in a team at a suitable cybersecurity or cyber defence organisation, company or higher education institution’s training site.

Verification of knowledge

a) during the semester with written or oral presentation, written test, or assessing home assignment (plan, measurement minutes etc.), with practical mark or signature;

b) passing a pre-examination during the semester;

c) passing an exam or a comprehensive exam in the exam period and

d) the final exam.

Conditions to take the final exam

a) abtaining the final certificate;

b) thesis approved by a reviewer.

Admission to the final examination is subject to the obtainment of a final certificate. The final certificate is issued to students having fulfilled all educational requirements specified in the curriculum – except for writing the thesis – and obtained the necessary amount of credits.

Components of the final exam

The final exam comprises the defence of the thesis and oral exams specified in the curriculum (with preparation times at least 30 minutes per subject), which have to be taken the same day.

Result of the final examination (F)

The overall result of the final examination is the average of grades obtained for the thesis and the subjects of the oral part of the final exam:

F =(Th+ S1+S2+…+Sm)/(1+m).

Conditions to issue the degree

a) successful final exams;
b) a complex language examination at level B2 or above in any foreign language.